
Dpcalendar Pro
Dpcalendar Pro

Dpcalendar Pro

Be careful and backup your database before removing your events as there is no way to reverse the changes. Permanently delete events older than: This option allows you to bulk delete past events based on their end date.Move to trash events older than: This option allows you to automatically move past events to trash based on their end date.This will help to clean up the dashboard when creating events.

Dpcalendar Pro

If you aren’t already familiar with using this WordPress feature, you can go ahead and disable it.

  • Show Custom Fields metabox: This option allows you to show or hide the default WordPress “Custom Fields” meta box when editing events within your dashboard.
  • Activate Block Editor for Events: When enabled, the Gutenberg Block Editor will be active on the edit screen for events pages.
  • Events Manager (Pro): Check whether to enable the Events Manager as the default page for viewing Events on the Administration page.
  • Enable Month View Cache: This setting caches your Month View so that it loads faster for users.
  • When enabled, this offers a frontend setting for users to decide whether they want to show all events in a Series or just the next upcoming.
  • Front-end Condense Events Series toggle (Pro): Gives a bit more flexibility than the Event Series setting covered above.
  • When unchecked, all events in the Series will show. This can be useful to unclutter your calendar.
  • Condense events in Series (Pro): When checked only the next upcoming event in a Series will show.
  • They will continue to show in all calendar views.
  • Include events in main blog loop: Events will be included on your main page along with regular WordPress posts.
  • Note that while you want this to be similar to the Events URL slug, they cannot be identical - notice how if the Events URL slug defaults to plural “events”, the Single Event URL Slug has to be singular “event.” Keep this in mind as you make changes.
  • Single event URL slug: Similar to the Events URL slug, this determines the URL structure for a single event.
  • Dpcalendar Pro

    As of version 4.4 of The Events Calendar, you can set your calendar as the homepage! Learn more here. The link that appears below the field will take you directly to your events page.

  • Events URL slug: Determines where on the frontend your events will live defaults to /events but can be changed to whatever you see fit.
  • It adds a small link to the bottom of your calendar pointing to The Events Calendar project.
  • Show The Events Calendar link: You will notice this in the large box at the top of this page.
  • 💡 Some of the settings below are specific to Events Calendar Pro and marked as such. Let’s review what each of the options entails.

    Dpcalendar Pro

    The settings offer a lot of cool options to get your calendar looking just the way you want it. You can access the settings for The Events Calendar and Events Calendar Pro from the WordPress Admin by going to Events → Settings from your WordPress admin bar or sidebar.

    Dpcalendar Pro